submit your topic here for imagine admin
A short write-up on what you'd like to present, key takeaways and an (optional) 60-second pitch video will do it.
All final presentations must be between 3-5 minutes - we're keeping things moving.
We're looking for:
- Bold insights that flip conventional wisdom on its head
- Genius hacks, top-secret tricks, and leadership strategies straight from your Admin + Executive office domination playbook
- Craziest things you've been asked to do throughout your career (no names, please ; )
- Lessons learned - the "wish-someone-told-me-this-years-ago" way
- Stories—professional or personal—so powerful they’ll make you want to run through a brick wall (or at least rethink everything you thought you knew)
- Laugh-out-loud embarrassing moments (because we’ve all been there)
Really, anything goes - if you'd be interested to hear what you've got cooking, that's a good sign others will be too!
Presenters will be selected by an audience of your peers and announced the week of March 17. Will you be one of them?
If selected, you will speak during one of the three dates and times below virtually, via Zoom to our national audience.
Imagine Admin Dates & Times:
Friday, April 11th - 1:30 - 3:30 PM CST
Thursday, April 17th - 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST
Friday, April 25th - 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CST
Email hello@thebeaconinstitute.com
